Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland

Logopaedics – Qualification Studies for Teachers with Special Pedagogy Qualifications

Logopedia - studia kwalifikacyjne - dla nauczycieli posiadających kwalifikacje z zakresu pedagogiki specjalnej

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: medicine, health care
Pedagogy () is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of teaching and how these influence student learning. Pedagogy informs teacher actions, judgments, and teaching strategies by taking into consideration theories of learning, understandings of students and their needs, and the backgrounds and interests of individual students. Pedagogy includes how the teacher interacts with students and the social and intellectual environment the teacher seeks to establish. Its aims may include furthering liberal education (the general development of human potential) to the narrower specifics of vocational education (the imparting and acquisition of specific skills).
Qualification is either the process of qualifying for an achievement, or a credential attesting to that achievement, and may refer to:
Fingit equum tenera docilem cervice magister
Ire viam qua monstret eques.
The trainer trains the docile horse to turn, with his sensitive neck, whichever way the rider indicates.
Men must be taught as if you taught them not,
And things unknown propos'd as things forgot.
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (1709), Part III, line 15.
Whoe'er excels in what we prize,
Appears a hero in our eyes;
Each girl, when pleased with what is taught,
Will have the teacher in her thought.
* * * * *
A blockhead with melodious voice,
In boarding-schools may have his choice.
Jonathan Swift, Cadenus and Vanessa, line 733.


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41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza
Tel. +48 32 295 93 16
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