Sosnowiec, Poland

Sensory Integration and Hand Therapy (programme implemented in cooperation with the In Corpore Foundation)

Integracja Sensoryczna i terapia ręki (kierunek realizowany we współpracy z Fundacją In Corpore)

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
University website:
Cooperation (sometimes written as co-operation) is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common, mutual, or some underlying benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit. Many animal and plant species cooperate both with other members of their own species and with members of other species (symbiosis or mutualism).
Foundation may refer to:
Integration may refer to:
Sensory may refer to:
Therapy (often abbreviated tx, Tx, or Tx) is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. In the medical field, it is usually synonymous with treatment (also abbreviated tx or Tx). Among psychologists and other mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, counselors, and clinical social workers, the term may refer specifically to psychotherapy (sometimes dubbed 'talking therapy'). The English word therapy comes via Latin therapīa from Greek: θεραπεία and literally means "curing" or "healing".
Integrated circuit (IC) is a circuit in which all or some of the circuit elements are inseparably associated and electrically interconnected so that it is considered to be indivisible for the purposes of construction and commerce.
Jedec in: integrated circuit (IC), JEDEC (}, Global Standards for the Microelectroncis Industry
Cognitive therapy seeks to alleviate psychological stresses by correcting faulty conceptions and self-signals. By correcting erroneous beliefs we can lower excessive reactions.
Aaron Beck, Cognitive Therapy (1976), Page 216
Some people pursue wholeness and integration; others get smashed up, and fragments are rescued from the smash of an intensity that the wholeness and integration people do not reach. Then too, the prophetic aspect of the arts is reflected
Northrop Frye in: The Secular Scripture and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1976-1991, University of Toronto Press, 2006, p. 164.
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