Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland

Computer Networks and the Internet of Things

Sieci komputerowe i Internet rzeczy

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: computer science
Studies online Studies online
  • Description:

  • pl
A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks.
The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.
You should view Internet arguments as a really crummy fighting game: only the utter idiots bother pressing the "block / defend" button. While your enemy cowers in a corner with their arms raised above their face to futilely protect them, real men pull off complex 408-move combos that involve transforming into a fiery phoenix of doom and releasing unrelenting waves of liquid napalm Satan clown death upon them.
Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, How to Win Any Argument On the Internet (2004)
The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity, this is something truly good, a gift from God.
Pope Francis, as quoted in "Pope: The Internet is a 'gift from God.' But watch out for the trolls." at CNN (23 January 2014).
There is nothing that is truly free nor democratic enough. Make no mistake, the internet did not come to save the world.
José Saramago, interview with "O Globo", July 2009.


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