Belfast, United Kingdom

Autism Studies

Language: English Studies in English
Subject area: medicine, health care
University website:
PG Certificates or Diplomas
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two or three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then worsen.
While autism is a developmental disorder, sometimes a devastating one, there is always within the autism a unique and sometimes strangely gifted individual. The great psychoanalyst Winicott used to feel that there was something like a tulip in every person and this was their essence and that this internal part of them was inaccessible to the person themselves and should not be meddled with or touched by psychoanalysis or anything else and one wonders if there is not some autistic essence like this tulip which needs to be respected and not meddled with.
Oliver Sacks, "Rage For Order," episode of Oliver Sacks: The Mind Traveller
The effort to cure autism, [autism right advocates] say, is not like curing cancer, but like the efforts of a previous age to cure left-handedness.
Amy Harmon, "How About Not 'Curing' Us, Some Autistics Are Pleading," The New York Times, December 20, 2004
Thirty years ago it seemed right that there be no stigma in education and that everyone should get the same start in life, but there are problems in mixing everyone together. I was never happy about the inclusion of children with severe autistic problems in schools, for example, and I certainly don't think it is working today.
Mary Warnock, "There's something about Mary...", Robin McKie, The Guardian, 11 June 2005.
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